FB4K/STRAVA “Bring 5000 Bikes Home” Tour

Bring 5000+ bikes home for Free Bikes 4 Kidz! The 15 mile Strava ride begins at 1:00pm at Vanderbie Park in Bloomington. https://www.bloomingtonmn.gov/parks/vanderbie-park When seen digitally on a map, the Strava ride will spell out ‘FB4K’, and will finish at the Free Bikes 4 Kidz warehouse at the Mall of America for the huge metro-wide bike collection. 


We need volunteers to unload 5000+ bikes this Saturday, October 10th, at The Mall of America, and we need volunteers for the next 8 weeks to shine up and tune up all the bikes for the 5000+ children waiting for them for Christmas! Sign up via /volunteer


“Do you remember your first bike? Your first bike was like a ticket to freedom to explore the world,” Esau told Fox 9. http://www.fox9.com/news/27015136-story Terry Esau is the founder of Free Bikes for Kidz, an organization that is currently collecting bikes at various Allina Hospital and Clinic locations across the Twin Cities metro through October… Read more »