Minneapolis Star-Tribune Profiles Free Bikes 4 Kidz
On December 9, 2012 the Minneapolis Star-Tribune published a fantastic profile of Free Bikes 4 Kidz! Be sure to watch the video that is included as well, featuring our first-annual Battle of the Bike Shops competition for the World’s Fastest Wrench trophy. Full article and video can be found here.
2012 Recap – Click here for highlight videos and stories. Thank You!!
Our 2012 giveaway season has come to a close. We cannot say “thank you” enough to all of our donors, volunteers and partners in the community, but still, thank you all! It really does take a monumental effort by a cast of thousands to make our mission a success, and 2012 will go down as… Read more »
Free Bikes 4 Kidz Featured in Hilarious Video by the Bloomington Bros!
The Bloomington Bros. stop by our warehouse and, well, hilarity ensues. Check it out for yourself.
Thanks to everyone who helped us accomplish our mission in 2012. We’ll see you all in 2013!
Our most sincere thanks to the thousands who donated bikes this year, and to our many volunteers. Every year we are blown away by the generosity and kindness of the Twin Cities community. The event was a tremendous success, and we cant’ wait to do it all over again in 2013! If you would like… Read more »
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