Do you remember this feeling? End the year with a gift that will last a lifetime. Please consider making a year end contribution to Free Bikes 4 Kidz. $30 puts a kid on a bike with a brand new helmet! Make this possible for thousands of kids in 2020! /donate
Posts Tagged: FB4KMN
VOLUNTEERS are the people who don’t want to be thanked for helping others. Our greatest asset is people like you. Thank you so much for your great volunteer spirit, the kindness you show to families in need, and your enduring dedication to Free Bikes 4 Kidz. Good Wheel To All! #volunteerappreciationparty
Big thanks to CEO, Anne Behrendt and Doran Companies for sponsoring the Oak Grove Middle School bike givaway! Students and their siblings celebrated an early Christmas receiving bikes and helmets from Free Bikes 4 Kidz. Good Wheel To All!
Good Wheel To All! These faces are the reason for the FB4K season~ proud new bike owners riding off into a healthier happier childhood. Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good bike! Http://
The most wonderful day of the year! Happiness lives at the Free Bikes 4 Kidz warehouse where thousands of children celebrated an early Christmas with the gift of a bicycle and new helmet. Thank you to Allina Health and to the hundreds of volunteers who made the day so special for the families at the… Read more »
Calling all mechanics to the Free Bikes 4 Kidz warehouse to finish the bikes! Week 6 is complete at the Free Bikes 4 Kidz warehouse, 4,693 bicycles finished, and the place is starting to look different! Almost all of the 6,000 bikes have been cleaned, so mechanics are needed to wrench. We can’t thank all… Read more »