Help us make this a great bike ride! Sign up to volunteer. You get a free volunteer t-shirt, food, beverages and hundreds of riders to say hi to, not to mention giving kids bikes! Volunteer Registration|The Freebike, Minnesota’s original century ride
Posts Tagged: bicycle
ATTENTION ALL CYCLING ENTHUSIASTS! It’s time to gear up your crew, and hit the road for an exhilarating adventure with The Freebike, presented by Free Bikes 4 Kidz MN! Of course, Kids (under 18) Ride FREE! Register here: Save the Date: June 1st, 2024 StartingLine: MinnesotaTwinsStadium at Target Field)) Finish Line: Fulton Tap Room… Read more »

The most wonderful day of the year! Nearly a thousand kids in Minnesota got a fresh set of wheels on Saturday. FreeBikes4KidzMN wants to celebrate acts of hard work, dedication and true generosity by our staff and volunteers. They put a smile on every kids face and helped them ride into a healthier happier life‼️ Thank you.
Just one of our holiday bike giveaways, The Be The Change event at Nellie Stone was amazing! We gave out 215 bikes and helmets. The kids were surprised with a certificate for one bike and the smiles were priceless! Happy trails!
Live from the warehouse~ it’s humanhealthpowered takeover‼️ International Cyclists from the Minneapolis-based Human Powered Health team are visiting the FreeBikes4KidzMN warehouse to help distribute bikes to local children in need. Thank you riders for sharing your time, encouragment and your olympic medals with the kids!
Our Giving Holiday @givemn is scheduled for Thursday, November 17, but you don’t have to wait to support the causes that mean the most to you. FreeBikes4KidzMN mission is very simple. HELPING KIDS RIDE INTO A HAPPIER, HEALTHIER CHILDHOOD BY PROVIDING BIKES TO THOSE MOST IN NEED. How we do this: • Collecting bicycles (6,000… Read more »