Everyone knows that ‘Bikes make the world go around!’
FB4K is calling for all crushes caused by Free Bikes 4 Kidz. We are looking for volunteer valentines, mashing mechanics and cruising couples! Share page and chronicle your crush in comments at http://www.facebook.com/FreeBikes4Kidz/ for publication on FB4K’s website’s new fb4kSPINS!
We have our first #fb4kSPINS story from Founder of Free Bikes 4 Kidz, Terry Esau!
Mary and I didn’t meet at Free Bikes 4 Kidz, but we have had many-a romantic evening cleaning bikes together. And to be honest, she deserves a lot of credit for where FB4K is today…she has encouraged and supported this mission from the beginning, and has plenty of sweaty equity invested. Thanks Mary, you are and always will be my two-wheeled, ten-speed Valentine!
https://fb4kmn.org #giveabike